Friday, 11 April 2014

Scenery or Scatter? It's All Objective

During a mooch around my local Hobbycraft I came across a 1:35 Tamiya jerry can set, which consists of six oil drums, a bunch of jerry cans and some buckets. Although 1:35 is a larger size than whatever scale 28mm is supposed to be, they would do quite nicely for scenery, battlefield scatter or objective markers (or jump-off points if I'm playing Chain of Command).

Using up some spare bases, I put these in varying positions, enlivened with the odd jerry can (maybe not strictly historical, but hey-ho), buckets and a scratch built mop and map (a square of folded-then-unfolded metallic sticky tape, held in place by a large rock, aka a bit of dry Milliput).

After painting them and drybrushing on some wear and tear, I added a few 'decals' (pictures copied off the internet and printed out on sticky labels) and did my usual basing.

I also bought a Tamiya 1:35 brick wall set - useable for large walls at 28mm if you don't look too closely. After glueing some sections together I decided to leave some of the ends open-ended, so that they could be fitted together either as straight sections or corners.

In order to achieve the red brick with light mortar look so common in this neck of the woods,  I undercoated these white and then drybrushed them with Vallejo Amaranth Red. A light slap of quickshade toned them down a bit, followed by some selective drybrushing with Olive Green and Beige Red, on individual bricks for the latter.

I then added my usual basing stuff and a scatter of my greenery mix and, well, they've come out pretty good I reckon!


  1. Very nicely done!

    The walls are impressive, and that map has come out really well - even if it looks as if that officer will need a step-ladder to read it!

    1. Hehehe, must be some very top secret plans!

  2. Those are some good size barrels but do they explode? Great looking walls shall to keep my eye out fo those they will come in handy I'm sure.

    1. Thanks! Big barrels = big explosions...

  3. Excellent! The decals are a nice touch.

  4. These look great. Tamiya also make a 1/48 set as well.

    1. Ooh thanks, I'll have to check those out!

  5. I think 1/32 actually works well with the slightly daft 28mm heroic scale! Some great work on here Jon-about time I commented :-)


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